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Element which gets reference to UI component Table.
Element which gets reference to UI component Table.
Control ID: [String] Control ID
Control: [LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIItem] Control reference
Table: [LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGrid] Variable that stores table reference
Full read: Full table data read including checkboxes, color etc.
Variable: [LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGrid] Variable to store table reference
Cells: [List<List<LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGridCell>>] Cell values
Columns: [List<LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGridColumn>] Table columns info
Selected rows: [List<int>] Selected rows indexes
Selected cells: [Dictionary<int, string>] Selected cells array
Select rows: [List<int>] Rows indexs to select
Select cells: [List<string>] Cells aray to select
Click: [Dictionary<int, string>] Cell click
Double click: [Dictionary<int, string>] Cell double click
Toolbar button: [String] Click toolbar button by ID
Time-out*: [Int32] Maximum waiting time for process completion (ms)
[SAPFEWSELib.ISapGridViewTarget] Element - Element reference;
[String] Id - Element ID;
[List<LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGridColumn>] Columns - Columns;
[List<List<LTools.SAP.Model.SAPUIGridCell>>] Cells - Cells;
[List<int>] SelectedRows - Selected rows indexes;
[Dictionary<int, string>] SelectedCells - Selected cells. Index, Column key;
SelectCells(List cells - strings formatted "Row index, Column key" ("1, NAME")) - Select cells;
SelectRows(List rows - row indexes) - Select rows;
SetCurrentCell(int row - row index, string column - column key) - Select current cell;
ClickCell(int row - row index, string column - column key) - Performs cell click;
DoubleClickCell(int row - row index, string column - column key) - Performs cell double click;
PressToolbarButton(string id - button ID) - Performs click on table toolbar button.
[String] Key - Column key;
[String] Text - Column text.
[int] Row - Row index;
[String] Column - Column key;
[String] Text - Cell text;
[bool] IsChecked - Is cell checkbox checked;
[int?] Color - Cell color;
[int?] ListIndex - Selected item index.