Send mail

Component for sending mail messages using MS Exchange. This components works correctly only within the MS Exchange server container.

General properties of the element are described here. Specific ones are shown in the table below.

Please note that all properties except To are not mandatory. If only the recipient is specified, a blank email will be sent.

LTools.Office.MSExchangeApp app = LTools.Office.MSExchangeApp.InitSvc(wf, Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1, "server url", "login", "pass", "domain");
LTools.Office.Model.OMailMessage msg = new LTools.Office.Model.OMailMessage() { Subject = "subject", Body = "body" };
app.SendMessage("body", "sendTo", "subject", new List<string>() { "file1" }, LTools.Office.Model.OMailMessage.MailFormats.HTML);

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