
Base test elements

Verify output with operator is more complex element. This element executes supplied element (Get attribute for example) and verifies it's output with given expression. The most useful case for this element is UI-testing.

Test data

Test data source is a part of the project and specifies in process properties

Test data path may be absolute or relative. Test data file is an Excel document in a special format:

Variable 1 name

Variable 2 name

Variable n name

Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 1n

Value 2n

Value 3n

In order to get a value from the file you need to use Get next local test data element. This element can either set test data into a variable or map data to variables by their names.

You may create test data file manually or using current variables values by clicking Process -> Dump variables menu and setting path to test data file in a window


Mock element has two containers: Element and Mock

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