Get attribute

Element that obtains the data of a control element attribute. The component works correctly only inside the Open a Browser or Attach Browser container.

For the element to work properly, do the following:

  1. Place the component inside a container - Open browser or Attach browser.

  2. Install the extension for the browser you want to connect to.


Symbol * in the property name means that it is required. Description of common properties can be found in the Element properties section.

«Process» group:

  • Attribute: String. Control element attribute name, for example: "title".

  • Timeout*: Int32. Maximum waiting time for process completion (ms). By default it is set to 10000.

  • Element: LTools.WebBrowser.Model.IElementInfo. Variable with a reference to the control element. It can filled if the required control element was found earlier using Browser exists component.

«Output» group:

  • Result: String. Variable for saving data of the first found attribute.

  • Result (array): List<string>. Variable for saving the data of all attributes found.

Pure code

Below is an example of using the element in the Pure code type process:

LTools.WebBrowser.BrowserApp app = LTools.WebBrowser.BrowserApp.Init(wf, "Free email*", LTools.WebBrowser.Model.BrowserTypes_Short.IE);
//Search template
List<string> att = app.GetAttribute("{\"Tag\":\"INPUT\",\"SearchFrames\":false,\"Attributes\":[{\"Key\":\"CLASS\",\"Value\":\"textbox js-hide-label\"},{\"Key\":\"ID\",\"Value\":\"header-search-input\"}]}", "title");
LTools.WebBrowser.Model.IElementInfo el = app.FindElement("{\"Tag\":\"INPUT\",\"SearchFrames\":false,\"Attributes\":[{\"Key\":\"CLASS\",\"Value\":\"textbox js-hide-label\"},{\"Key\":\"ID\",\"Value\":\"header-search-input\"}]}");
att = app.GetAttribute(el, "title");		
LTools.Workflow.PrimoApp.AddToLog(wf, att[0]);

Last updated